Tag Archives: opinion

Good Writing



Photo on 2012-03-26 at 19.12

When I am asked for my opinions at Uni I am no longer fooled into believing that any lecturer really wants my opinion. Instead, they want to know about what I know of the subject through research, acquired knowledge and understanding the principles that relate to the topic. They want this as a display of my abilities to create a patchwork of thought on paper, for all to see.k4702542

What I have done here is create interest in that my answer is not the same as everyone else’s. See what I did there? I got you into reading my answer and now I am organizing my logic to formulate an answer. I may even use an appropriate individual voice to make my writing feel a certain way so you can relate and get a sense of my personality.

What I seek in good writing is stimulation, the ability to convey idea’s cleverly, quickly and in sparklingly accurate detail. Why would we read if all writing was the same? Good writing requires an understanding of who the audience is and the context in which you are delivering your writing. It requires a good understanding of grammar so no one can change your intention and that the meaning doesn’t change. Having a depth of words to draw upon to create your patchwork is important as it tells your audience what you know of the world and makes them remember your writing.

Truly great writing is an artwork!
It can make you read between the lines to convey thought and invoke much more thought. It can provoke emotion, and convey conceptual information or you can use it as a tool to engage the minds of children and get them to sleep with thoughts of the ‘it-kutch, preeps and proo’s.”
“The more things you will read,
The more things you will know.
The more that you learn,
The more places you’ll go!”
Dr Seuss.bn266048